Gina Dokko
Research Expertise: Organizational theory, organizational behavior, social networks, job mobility, technology and innovation
Associate Professor Gina Dokko’s research focuses on organizational theory and behavior, careers, social networks, and technology and innovation. Recently she’s been examining the consequences of job mobility. She studies how portable experience is and how people’s job mobility and career histories enable and constrain learning, innovation, performance and social capital for both themselves and their employers. For example, although firms hire people based on related experience, Dokko’s research finds that having a diverse career helps an employee’s innovative performance.
Dokko’s current projects include an investigation of how corporate venture capital managers’ work backgrounds affect investment strategies in the IT sector and how the range of jobs an entrepreneur has had affects their ability to secure venture capital funding as well as the performance of their ventures.
Dokko has published in the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, theStrategic Management Journal,Organization Studies and Research Policy. She has presented her research internationally at Academy of Management meetings, Strategic Management Society meetings, the Wharton Organizational Behavior Conference, the Organization Science Winter Conference, the Israel Strategy Conference and the European Group for Organizational Studies.
Before starting her doctoral studies, Dokko worked in strategy and marketing at American Express and 3M.
Dokko earned her Ph.D. in management from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She has an M.S. in industrial administration from Carnegie Mellon University and earned a B.S. in economics, also from the University of Pennsylvania. She is a former assistant professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business.