Rachel Chen


Research Expertise: Operations and supply chain management, service operations and dynamic pricing

Professor Rachel Chen is an expert in operations research and supply chain management. Her work has been published in leading journals, including IIE Transactions, Management Science, Marketing Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research Letters, and Production and Operations Management. 

Chen has presented her research widely in the United States and internationally, including:

She is an associate editor of Decision Science Journal and IIE Transactions and serves on the editorial reviewer board of Production and Operations Management

Chen grew up in central China and moved to Shanghai to attend Tongji University and pursue a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Three years later, she obtained her master’s in management information systems from Fudan University. She received her M.S. from Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management in 2002 and her Ph.D. in operations management a year later. She taught for three years at the UC Riverside Graduate School of Management before joining the faculty at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management.